School EasyPay

an easy, tailor-made payment solution for school fees.

About Us

Save Money

Improve cash flow by 11% and reduce late payments & bad debts by 50%.

Save Time

Reduce administration with automatic processing and automatic reconciliation.

Easy to Implement

No change required to current systems or bank as we work with your existing software. Funds are directly deposited into your current bank account.

You’re in control

You decide which options to offer parents and you set the business rules.

No Cost Option

You can pass the low processing costs to parents.

Appeals to Parent

72% of parents choose School EasyPay.

Saint Ignatius College Riverview, NSW

“School EasyPay was effortless to implement. It has taken the hassle out of collecting fees and streamlined the whole process. Where it used to take two days a month to reconcile BPAY and other payments, it now takes five minutes.”

– Phillip Dean, Finance Manager
Saint Ignatius College Riverview, NSW

Chosen by Australia’s Leading Schools