Avoid large one-off school fee payments. You get the choice of 6 or 12 equal monthly instalments, interest free* with a participating Latitude credit card to help you better manage your expenses. You will also get access to the Latitude app to manage your payments and stay on top of due dates.
Applying for a participating Latitude credit card is simple. You can check your eligibility and apply in 10 minutes. And it only takes 60 seconds for a response.
Pay over 6 or 12 months in equal monthly instalments, interest free*. A $10.95 monthly account service fee (subject to change) for a Latitude Gem Visa credit card, and a card processing fee of 1.5% for the transaction apply. For all other participating Latitude credit cards, please refer to the product websites for other conditions, fees and charges that apply.
*Approved customers only. Equal monthly payments required (exact amounts specified in your statement). Minimum spend applies to different plan term(s): minimum spend $250 for 6 months and $500 for 12 months. If there is an outstanding balance after the interest free period ends, interest will be charged at the Expired Promotional Purchase Rate, currently 29.99% (subject to change). Interest may also apply to other credit card transactions or if you do not comply with the T&Cs. Conditions of use set out the T&Cs of the Latitude Gem Visa credit card. If you fail to make your minimum monthly payment for two consecutive months, you agree that your equal monthly payment plans (Instalment Interest Free Promotion) with a term of fewer than 33 months will change into a minimum monthly payment plan (Interest Free Promotion) for the remaining duration of the initial plan term. Credit provided by Latitude Finance Australia ABN 42 008 583 588 Australian Credit Licence number 392145.